The land of Norrath has been a wondrous thing to Drygonfli. Drygonfli came to be to follow her love of the land and to experience more than before. She married at her 14th year to Gringodude Lowrider, a great Warrior. She became leader of Kingdom of Light at her age of 25 and continued to lead this Fine Guild until level 65 when she and others went to join the Officer Ranks of Fates Journey. Shortly after, her true Family called to her. White Wind and all of it's great people, some of whom were with her in her formative years in Kingdom of Light welcomed her with open arms.. A great family and a loving group. After a time, she did as she always does and volunteered to help with the running of the guild. After being in Recruiting, she was asked to Co-Lead the guild with Chanos (mighty Monk) when their awesome leaders left the game (Dastumpi) and the other leader (Wolfish) stepped back to Elder to pursue other priorities. She cherishes her family and friends and loves the adventures that she has been on.
She will assist you if you ask -