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Nbr post: 15
Register: 7/19/02
Posted: 8/8/12, 3:21 PM
The mana count for my character is off by exactly -201.
Attack is off by -3.
Hit Points are off by -2
Flags and keys are not being auto sync'd either. I can't remember all of my flags and keys so this would be my main reason for using Magelo.
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 8/9/12, 12:56 AM
Thank you ThalliusTrueheart for your report.
The mana issue is being worked on at the moment, as reported in this thread: Mana off by 200.
Regarding the flags and keys, we actually never automatically synchronized them, as indicated in the Magelo Sync page. If you want to keep them up to date in your profile, you need to do it manually in "My characters > Edit > Flags and keys tab". Don't hesitate to let us know if you have some flags and keys that are not in the list. We will update it.
Finally, regarding the Attack and the HP stats, we will check the formula again to see if we can explain this small differences.
We will keep you updated.
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Nbr post: 15
Register: 7/19/02
Posted: 8/10/12, 1:29 PM
Cold Resistance is off by -1
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Nbr post: 15
Register: 7/19/02
Posted: 8/12/12, 4:19 AM
I manually updated my flags and keys and it shows them checked off on the edit page but they are not showing up in the profile.
EDIT: Group and Raid AAs are also checked off on the edit page but are not showing up on the profile either.
EDIT AGAIN: The Flags and keys are now showing up on the profile as they should be but not the group/raid AAs.
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 8/13/12, 12:54 AM
Thanks ThalliusTrueheart for your feedback.
The group/raid AAs list should in fact be visible in your profile. Looks like a bug.
We will look into this and I'll keep you posted!
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Nbr post: 15
Register: 7/19/02
Posted: 8/13/12, 10:01 AM
Magic resistance is now also off by -1 and AC by -2 .
Just added augs to some of the defiant armor and range item. Check those because before that AC and MR were fine.
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 8/15/12, 1:38 AM
Hi Thallius,
The 200 mana is still a mystery for us, I am pretty sure it is tied with an AA somehow but I might be wrong.
As for the minor issues you see with MR, AC and the other stats, it has to do with how we handle recommended level vs ingame. It looks like we don't round values the same. Can i ask you to check your defiant item tooltips against the one in your magelo profile ? If I am not wrong you should see some staff diff there and by providing your results, I should be able to fix the issue altogether.
Thanks in advance !
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 8/17/12, 6:07 AM
The issue with group/raid AAs has been fixed. The list is now displayed properly in your profile.
Still working on the Mana issue.
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Nbr post: 15
Register: 7/19/02
Posted: 8/22/12, 10:22 PM
My gear is stable for a bit and my profile is 100% up to date.
Here is what is off as far as I can tell to date:
Hit points are +22
Mana is -190
Endurance is +20
AC is -1
Attack is -1
Charisma is +3
Poison is -1
Fire is -1
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 8/24/12, 6:56 AM
Can i ask you to check your defiant item tooltips against the one in your magelo profile ? If I am not wrong you should see some staff diff there and by providing your results, I should be able to fix the issue altogether.
Did you have the chance to compare the item tooltips ? The first step toward fixing your stat issues is getting this recommended rounding issue fixed and I cant do it without your input. Thanks !
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Nbr post: 15
Register: 7/19/02
Posted: 8/25/12, 4:28 AM
Eligant Defiant Breastplate (At level 70) This includes bundled with the augment.
AC (is off by -1)
The combat Effect stats are not listed in the order they are in the game. I have listed them in the correct order here.
Attack 18 (is off by -1)
Hp Regen 4 (is off by -1)
Mana Regen 3
Spell Shield 2
Combat Eff. 3
Shielding 2
DoT Shild 3
Damage Shield Mit 1
Avoidance 2
Stun Resist 2
Heal Amount 2
Spell Damage 2
Crystalwing Goru`kar Scout Shielding Stone
All stats in the game for this when looked at show 10 instead of the 9 shown on my profile.
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Nbr post: 15
Register: 7/19/02
Posted: 8/25/12, 4:41 AM
Eligant Defiant Plate Greaves (At level 70) Includes any augments attached.
Charisma 18 (is off by -1)
The combat Effect stats are not listed in the order they are in the game. I have listed them in the correct order here.
Attack 23
Hp Regen 3
Mana Regen 4
Combat Eff. 2
Shielding 2
DmgShield 2
DoT Shild 2
Avoidance 2
Accuracy 3
Heal Amount 3
Spell Damage 1
Windwillow Sap Bauble
All stats in the game for this when looked at show 10 instead of the 9 shown on my profile. The 2 mana regen is correct.
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Nbr post: 15
Register: 7/19/02
Posted: 8/25/12, 4:52 AM
Eligant Defiant Plate Vambraces (At level 70) Includes any augment attached.
HP 207 (is off by -1)
The combat Effect stats are not listed in the order they are in the game. I have listed them in the correct order here.
Attack 18 (is off by -1)
Hp Regen 2
Mana Regen 3
Combat Eff. 2
Shielding 1
DmgShield 1
DmgShield Mit 1
Avoidance 1
Accuracy 3
Stun Resist 2
Strike Thr 2
Spell Damage 2
Intricate Defiant Spotstone
Stats Shown when looked at are:
AC 10
HP 17
Mana 10
End 10
Dex 5
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Nbr post: 15
Register: 7/19/02
Posted: 8/25/12, 4:59 AM
Eligant Defiant Plate Helm (At level 70) Includes any augment attached.
HP 242 (is off by -1)
CHA 18 (is off by -1)
Fire 25 (is off by -1)
Poison 18 (is off by -1)
Feather Bundle
Once again, the augment shows it's full stats when looked at in game.
Registered User
Nbr post: 15
Register: 7/19/02
Posted: 8/25/12, 5:01 AM
Eligant Defiant Plate Gauntlets (At level 70) Includes any augment attached.
These stats are all fine.