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Messages in topic: Stats not showing correctly
Registered User

Nbr post: 10
Register: 6/20/04
Posted: 1/27/07, 9:29 AM

I been noticing a small difference from my ingame stats and magelo, its not mutch, but still im wondering what is causing the difference, since im premium and using the MU everytime, it should be 100% correct ?
My ingame mana is 13701, but magelo shows only 13690 = 11 mana short, any ideas?

Cleric of Darkwind
Antonius Bayle

Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 1/28/07, 7:49 AM

Well, the formula's we use are only approximations to what they use ingame. Discrepancies can occur, but are usually only 1 or 2 points difference. Are there any other stats that are off as well? And if so, which ones and by how much?

Nbr post: 2781
Register: 10/29/01
Posted: 1/29/07, 11:02 AM

Is tribute running?

Earthkeeper Onetree Tallbarque of Maelin Starpyre <Valoran>
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Registered User

Nbr post: 10
Register: 6/20/04
Posted: 2/1/07, 6:14 PM

Sorry for the slack reply in my own thread....

A few new items so stats ingame are now :

Mana: 13831
HP : 12063
AC : 2650
ATK : 1654

Magelo shows :

Mana : 13820
HP : 12062
AC : 2674
ATK : 1644

So the difference is :

Mana + 11
HP + 1
AC + 24
ATK - 10

No tribute running and no buffs, the AC difference is quite big when u say usually max 1 or 2 points difference.
I read thru the forums where u tried to figure out the forms to use to calculate the values, that just confused me even more

Cleric of Darkwind
Antonius Bayle