Messages in topic: Currencies not displayed correctly
Premium User
Nbr post: 108
Register: 7/15/03
Posted: 12/2/15, 10:53 AM
In the Inventory section, page "Currencies", are not all currencies displayed correctly. The list gets truncated at the right side.
Resizing browser window doesn't help.
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 12/7/15, 4:48 AM
Thanks, we are already aware of this issue and we need to fix it. We will keep you posted.
Premium User
Nbr post: 108
Register: 7/15/03
Posted: 10/18/17, 12:09 PM
Any news on that? Sorry for bumping this thread (too) ...
With the next expansion already at the horizon, there (probably) will be new currencies ... again ...
Nbr post: 11467
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 10/23/17, 8:48 PM
Let me have a look at this..
Premium User
Nbr post: 108
Register: 7/15/03
Posted: 4/25/18, 3:13 PM
Well, kind of sorry for bringing this one up again ... but the Currencies page still gets truncated to the right and there is no scrollbar.
Currently the displaying area on the Magelo Inventory section shows full entries for 23 currencies, with a part of the 24th on the right edge.
The issue is for Firefox (most-recent Nightly version) and M$ Edge browsers.
Ingame there are currently 35 (!) different currencies (raid and group for lots of expansions, bonus content, anniversary).
On the Plus side, it seems Magelo catches them all, it's "just" a displaying issue on the web site.