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> > > Status on new update for TBS plz

Messages in topic: Status on new update for TBS plz
Registered User

Nbr post: 143
Register: 1/16/06
Posted: 2/27/07, 3:39 AM

I'm sad in the face right now.

And the pants too.
Registered User

Nbr post: 34
Register: 10/5/02
Posted: 2/27/07, 2:20 PM

Is it up yet?

I have like no clue what time 2pm GMT is. PST and EST and CST and MT yeah GMT? Meh what are the odds.

Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 2/4/02
Posted: 2/27/07, 7:39 PM

GMT = Greenwich Mean Time

Atlantic = GMT - 4
Eastern = GMT - 5
Central = GMT - 6
Mountain = GMT - 7
Pacific = GMT - 8

So 2pm GMT is, 10am Atlantic, 9am Eastern, 8am Central, 7am Mountain, 6am Pacific.

Though Jelan posted there was a delay, and I haven't seen an update since then.