Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 3/29/07, 6:14 PM
Magelo stored any and all EverQuest account ID's that have been synchronised under your Magelo account, for the running period. Note that each EverQuest account can contain dozens of characters, each with a Magelo profile; it's the uniquely different EverQuest accounts that Magelo counts.
Once per running Premium year, you can opt to release all stored EverQuest account ID's. You can find the option for this under "My account" in the menu on the left. Alternatively, each time Premium expires, the account ID's are also released, so when you renew you start with a fresh, clean list again.
If you use more than three accounts regularly, you can op to extend your Premium by paying the fee again. This extension covers an additional five accounts, but will expire at the same time as your base Premium service does.