Registered User
Nbr post: 2
Register: 4/1/07
Posted: 4/1/07, 1:49 AM
I havent been to the magelo site in a long while becuase i quit EQ about a year ago, but while in class I would generally go to and take a look to see how crazy new gear has gotten. Well for a long time now i havent been able to view magelo profiles... i know i'm prolly doing something stupid becuase noone else seems to have noticed. It used to be you could just click the link of a magelo and another browser window would pop up with a profile. but now i get a box saying that it doesnt know the filetype and it ask me if i want to save. If I click yes to save then it does nothing... do magelo profiles have to be opened / run through a program now??
sorry for such a nubass question but I can't figure this out lol