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Messages in topic: New AAs and Heroics
Registered User

Nbr post: 161
Register: 8/18/02
Posted: 12/4/07, 9:04 AM

Just wondering if we could get an update on any progress being made with the new AAs and Heroic abilities. I use Magelo all the time, and I hate running over to EQ Players to see where my 'adjustments' need to be made. I know you are working on it, just wondering if we could get an update.


Zaidoc ImagoDei
Order of the Silent Fist

Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 12/8/07, 2:57 AM

We should be able to schedule an update next week to handle both the new AAs as well as the heroic items. Dont expect things to be perfect, it's really tricky to figure out few things without going with a trial and error process....
Registered User

Nbr post: 161
Register: 8/18/02
Posted: 12/8/07, 3:31 AM

Thanks for the update. And nope, don't expect perfection, just appreciate the updates.

Zaidoc ImagoDei
Order of the Silent Fist
Registered User

Nbr post: 8
Register: 6/5/03
Posted: 12/10/07, 8:06 AM

It seems that the new Planar Durability and General Sturdiness AA's are not updating. My Monk's HP's are off by 517 and AC is off by 20. The new Foraging AA is not even listed on the General Tab for my Human Monk. Thanks for the update Jelan and I will watch for the additional fixes this week.
Registered User

Nbr post: 20
Register: 9/6/04
Posted: 12/13/07, 1:10 PM

This is a new aa and if you would read the notes posted by Jelvan and others... Magelo has not been updated to handle these yet.