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> > > Velium Enhanced Necklace of Vigor stats not posting in rank

Messages in topic: Velium Enhanced Necklace of Vigor stats not posting in rank
Registered User

Nbr post: 1
Register: 7/31/13
Posted: 7/29/20, 1:31 AM

Upgraded to the Velium Enhanced Necklace of Vigor and synced my character. Necklace shows in profile, but the stats don't transfer to the rankings.

Nbr post: 11385
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 8/4/20, 10:06 PM

Things seem fine to me
> https://cln.sh/2LYlXn

Can you check that is indeed the case for you as well ?
The ranking should normally be updated in real time but there might be a slight delay.