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Messages in topic: Duplicate Lore items?
Registered User

Nbr post: 17
Register: 2/27/04
Posted: 5/25/21, 11:04 AM

I see some 'Certified genuine' accounts that are equipping duplicate lore items. Not sure how that's possible - but surely that's a bug
Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 5/28/21
Posted: 5/28/21, 10:16 AM

Two Handed Weapon with a Shield. Duplicate Lore Bracers. Duplicate Lore Earrings.

Duplicate Lore Earrings.

Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 5/29/21, 5:08 PM

I have the feeling the issue is within the game and Magelo is merely reporting what is actually equipped.
Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 5/28/21
Posted: 5/29/21, 9:13 PM

It has always been possible to hack the game client and make it think it's wearing things it shouldn't. Right now it's easier than usual because of bugs with equipping items too fast popping what appears to be a duplicate item on the cursor. However, the server would not reflect these situations and would actually think you have nothing in those slots, so the only reason to do it is cheating Magelo profiles.

I do not see a fix to these issues any time soon since it's only a client visibility issue. So the question is will Magelo take action against people cheating in this way? Where is the line drawn? Right now it's people wearing duplicate lore items and/or wearing shields with two handers, but you could have people tricking the client to be wearing items they don't even have, BiS everything, even items that are unobtainable or out of era.

imo there should action taken against people abusing Magelo this way.

Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 5/29/21, 11:15 PM

Ha that actually makes sense, and yes I will address this very soon. Thanks for the valuable feedback !
Registered User

Nbr post: 4
Register: 3/12/02
Posted: 6/10/21, 12:08 AM

It's already being addressed on Darkpaw's end - https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/unequipping-equipping-gear-creating-ghost-duplicate-items.275292/

It's a EQ Bug, not Magelo Bug.

I don't think clicking your mouse a few times in a second is 'hacking the game client'... but ok.
Registered User

Nbr post: 7
Register: 3/10/17
Posted: 6/10/21, 12:23 AM

Damn, that 2nd Magelo is LIT AF.

Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 1/23/22, 5:29 PM

This is now properly handled, your gear is validated even when you sync.