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> > > My AC and ATK are way too low, how to fix?

Messages in topic: My AC and ATK are way too low, how to fix?
Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 4/11/02
Posted: 8/27/08, 2:23 PM

I can't figure out why my Magelo profile shows my AC and ATK values as being so low. They should both be around 1600-1700, but are much lower than that (948 AC, 510 ATK).

Am I missing something? Is there a place I'm supposed to enter a base amount for those?

Here's the profile in question:

Thanks for any assistance.
Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 4/11/02
Posted: 8/27/08, 2:33 PM

Going to answer my own question... I found a message from April where someone had a similar problem. Looks like I need to enter my Defense skill (and all of the other skills).

Or, just pay the $$$ to become a premium member and have Magelo do it for me...