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Messages in topic: thx magelo !
Registered User

Nbr post: 37
Register: 7/2/03
Posted: 9/8/08, 6:00 AM

Last fr i logged in to SH with my Char and run to my bank and found it empty! i made a petition, gm restored me back to the state when i logged in (Bank was empty) after this the gm inserted all items (around 230!) incl Augs! to my bank, but he said, some items he cant. i logged back in the morning, and missed around 20 items. with magelo) i found all missed item and got it back from another gm.

thx for this nice Tool

btw with eqplayers, i see only a empty char..

Nbr post: 325
Register: 11/3/02
Posted: 9/8/08, 9:47 AM

Nice deal! Gratz on your returns!

EQ Players shows the current state of your character; thus, if your character is naked in game, then it is naked on EQ Players.

Gratz again!

EQ Magelo Advisor/Moderator
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Registered User

Nbr post: 37
Register: 7/2/03
Posted: 9/8/08, 10:26 AM

hehe thx, not really naked. i mean i dont see the items, but my hp is correct.

Nbr post: 1182
Register: 1/27/04
Posted: 9/8/08, 3:03 PM

not really naked. i mean i dont see the items, but my hp is correct.

Yeah with EQPlayers if you do not have "auto update" turned on in game it won't populate your gear. So if you're like me and you want to choose when you want EQPlayers to take it's 'snapshot' you have to turn auto update on, do the /eqplayersupdate command, turn auto update off. It takes 12 to 24 hours for the gear to show up

Premium User

Nbr post: 120
Register: 2/12/02
Posted: 9/8/08, 3:18 PM

With Eqplayers I found it works best to not use the command at all, but turn on autoupdate, then camp to desktop, and then turn autoupdate off when you log back in. My bank still shows empty there, but everything else is spot on.

Registered User

Nbr post: 37
Register: 7/2/03
Posted: 9/10/08, 6:05 AM

tryed all this, but nothing worked for me, but its okay Magelo worked)