Magelo notation guide is used to convert simple text into styled HTML. Select any section on the left for a detailed description, including examples, of a particular area.
To create a header, place "hn." at the start of the line (where "n" is a number from 1-4).
h1. Biggest heading |
Biggest heading
h2. Big heading |
Big heading
h3. Normal heading |
Normal heading
h4. Small heading |
Small heading
Text effects are used to change the formatting of words and sentences.
*strong* |
Makes text strong.
_emphasis_ |
Makes text emphasis.
-deleted- |
Makes text deleted.
+inserted+ |
Makes text inserted.
^superscript^ |
Makes text superscript.
~subscript~ |
Makes text subscript.
bq. Some block quoted text |
Some block quoted text
{quote} here is quoteable content to be quoted {quote} |
here is quoteable content
to be quoted
{color:red} Welcome everybody! {color} |
Welcome everybody!
Creates text breaks.
---- |
Creates a horizontal ruler.
--- |
Produces — symbol.
-- |
Produces – symbol.
Creates your links.
{anchor:anchorname} |
Creates a bookmark anchor inside the page. |
[#anchorname] |
Creates an internal hyperlink to the bookmarked point of the page.
[Magelo|] [] |
Creates a link and specify a name using "|" and an anchor using "#".
The [ ] around external links are optional in the case you do not want to use any alias or anchor for the link.
Images can be embedded into your pages from attached files or remote sources.
!! |
Inserts an image into the page. If a fully qualified URL is given the image will be displayed from the remote source. |
!|align=center, vspace=4! |
For any image, you can also specify attributes of the image tag as a comma separated list of name=value pairs like so. |
Tables allow you to organise content in a rows and columns, with a header row if required.
Makes a table. Use double bars "||" for a table heading row.
More advanced text formatting.
Add any Database link with tooltip using our markup (press "ctrl + space" to auto-complete your link).