Zachton Soulstriker was born near the docks of south Qeynos. After spending many years in temple he went out to seek adventure, and met up with the brother he hadn't seen in years, Arafein Soulstriker. Together the two of them set out to explore Norrath, and it hasn't been the same since.
Zachton Soulstriker and his lovely wife Feylene Soulstriker have 3 children. The twins Xach and Phey decided to follow the path of the Ranger, they get lost a lot. Zachlene was altered by Tunare when still in her mothers womb. It is unknown at this time why the Godess steped in, perhaps she had had an argument with karana when she discovered Feylene was once again with child. Zachlene emerged as a full highelf, her human heritage striped from her being.
Zachton is currently an Elder of Champions of Norrath, a former officer of Aliance of Hope, a founding member of it and the guilds it came from Soulstriker Clan and Requiem of Souls.