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Messages in topic: Inventory, Spell and Profile improvements!

Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 2/15/11, 7:28 AM

The beginning of 2011 started with some improvements at Magelo starting with the revamp of the Spells and Inventory section as well as the update of the character Profile that display now your entire inventory!

Inventory tool - Browse your bags with more efficiency

The Inventory tool lets you now see the exact location of your items. You just need to mouse over the character name for a given item to see a tooltip that highlights the slots where the items are located.

We improved also the layout of the tool displaying the “By items” tab by default and optimizing the “Currencies” tab presentation. The Dream Mote currency has now an icon and the Currencies are visible at the top for a better readability.

Finally the inventory of your characters is directly accessible from your characters page, clicking on the bag icon displayed for all your character.

Spell - Cleanup and new filters

We updated the Spell database to show more detailed information. We filtered also the DB removing the Spells which are only component of other spells as well as the Spells that are no longer in the game.

2 facets have also been added at the top of the list to let you filter the spells by “Rank” (I, II, III) and by “Already known” (Yes, No). This last facet let you contextualize the spell list with your character. You just need to select one of your characters from the Web Bar and select the “Already known” filter for your class to filter out the spells you have or the spells you miss.

Finally, the missing spells now filters properly the specific deity spells you cannot have.

Profile - View your entire Inventory!

We finally handled the changes introduced with House of Thule for your Characters Inventory. You can now see the 10 inventory slots and 20 slots bags in your Profile.

We know it really took way too much time to offer this feature and we apologize for this, but we weren’t sure if there was a real need of keeping the Inventory in the Profile as we know it. After a passionate discussion in our forum we decided to follow your input. If you want the bags, let’s do it! Magelo has and will always be community driven and we hope this once again re-affirm that. Please continue to share with us your suggestions and we will be proud to achieve them
Registered User

Nbr post: 58
Register: 2/12/09
Posted: 2/16/11, 10:07 AM

Hmmmm, looks good but it also looks like a premium only service...

Nbr post: 11406
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 2/16/11, 10:45 AM

The inventory part yes but arguably that means when you support us you actually get more and more out of it, so the value is getting better, so.. what are you waiting for ? lol

Joke aside, the work we did on the spells benefits everyone, we also made a lot of improvements on our database lately which are for everyone to use (zone maps, npc with minimap, recipes, related section for everything, and the list goes on).