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Messages in topic: character page is broke
Registered User

Nbr post: 1
Register: 5/8/06
Posted: 9/5/12, 2:12 AM

all my other characters updated and show right but my main throws up 'System error' i tried deleteing him and re-adding him deleting magelo sync and reinstalling etc. etc. and still nothing if i would have been aware upgrading to premium was going to break magelo i wouldn't have done it
Premium User

Nbr post: 3
Register: 9/25/08
Posted: 9/6/12, 4:24 PM

Same is happening to me ... We really need this issue fixed.

they give any feedback to you man?
Premium User

Nbr post: 3
Register: 9/25/08
Posted: 9/7/12, 12:14 PM

take your powersource out and resync. it will fix it
Registered User

Nbr post: 1
Register: 3/30/12
Posted: 9/7/12, 7:22 PM

Tried powersource removal and that didn't work. I ended up taking off all my gear and adding 2 peices at a time.

I narrowed it down to my culteral chest armor with raid sphere and emblem.of Illdera.

So I can sync fine with any gear, but the char display page becomes broken if I wear my culteral chest peice even if I rmeove the power source.

My culteral chest is Glorious Nightkeeper Cuiras with the Mooto stone, Numinous chest symbol of the warmonger, Veiled plate chest seal of the warchief, emblem of illdara. This is the only item that causes the char display page to be broken.

The actual sync gets no errors at all with or without the chest peice.


Nbr post: 11486
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 9/10/12, 2:41 AM

Oups sorry for the late reply on that one
It's a bug with recently introduced due to the number of augment slots going to 6.

Anyhow, this is now fixed.