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Messages in topic: Dropped by ?
Registered User

Nbr post: 35
Register: 11/11/01
Posted: 4/27/13, 1:23 PM

I regularly keep Magelo running in background in order to populate database info. What I noticed today is this ... many of the new items I have looted since Shadow of Fear went live do not display the usual Dropped By tab on the item page. The usual tabs are there for Comments and Screenshots, but the Dropped By tab seems to have gone missing.

Granted I have not checked each and every new item I have looted in recent weeks, but I have checked a great number of items, and the Dropped By tab is missing on the item page of every one.

It seems that although the items are being populated, the source mob info is not.

Am I overlooking some recent change in presentation?


Nbr post: 11501
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 4/27/13, 2:51 PM

Hi Tobynn,

In order to quickly release a Magelo Sync version that would work with Shadow of Fear, I have temporarly disable a few features in Magelo sync, mainly, the collection of loot and sold items. Now that i have all the info I need, I will roll an update tomorrow to re enable everything.

So starting tomorrow, things should get back to normal and the database should be updated in no time.
Registered User

Nbr post: 35
Register: 11/11/01
Posted: 4/27/13, 6:32 PM

Thanks for the info, Jelan.

Given the recent changes to the Item Search functionality, I suspected the absence of source info may have been indirectly related. Good to know the absent data was intentional and not accidental. As always, thanks for the support and the great product


Nbr post: 11501
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 4/30/13, 7:21 AM

I have just patched Magelo Sync EQ module to re enable all the features which were temporarily disabled.
Registered User

Nbr post: 3
Register: 5/1/09
Posted: 4/30/13, 5:39 PM

I think some stuff was broken when you did that lol, a lot of people cant sync atm

Nbr post: 11501
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 5/1/13, 12:15 AM

Yes just saw the new bug report, something sneaky is happening
Just patched the server, hopefully issue is fixed now.
Registered User

Nbr post: 35
Register: 11/11/01
Posted: 5/26/13, 10:58 AM

Just a follow up question: Has the NPC mapping feature remained disabled for Shadow of Fear zones?

I have noticed that Drop information seems to be populating normally now; I find a great number of items listed for the appropriate NPCs. However, the usual zone map with blue dots marking NPC locations is still missing for NPCs in Shadow of Fear zones.

The same map would normally appear upon mouseover on the search results page.