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Messages in topic: Cannot sync (but partially does)

Nbr post: 1647
Register: 8/31/01
Posted: 10/11/13, 5:08 AM

I am unsure if it's due to the vitality/fortitude AAs, but I've lost about 180 ac (no, not due to stat food) after upgrading my mask. The game is calculating very wrong.

Magelo: 8930 AC
Actual: 9138 AC

Also the AC on my profile differs from my signature.

If it helps, Magelo sync gives me a "cannot update" error, even though it does update the new equipment I have since I last was able to sync.

Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001
Registered User

Nbr post: 7
Register: 1/4/04
Posted: 10/11/13, 11:07 AM

I am having the Cannot Sync issue as well. Says to try again later.
Premium User

Nbr post: 108
Register: 7/15/03
Posted: 10/11/13, 11:30 AM

I was able to sync just a moment ago; I don't have any CotF gear yet (except some collectibles and Rk. I discs). Maybe it's an item problem.

Registered User

Nbr post: 7
Register: 1/4/04
Posted: 10/11/13, 11:32 AM

I don't have any CotF gear yet either, just collectibles and AA's so far.
Premium User

Nbr post: 108
Register: 7/15/03
Posted: 10/11/13, 11:34 AM

Tried to edit my first post ... landed on an error page (huh?).

Anyway ... currently, in unbuffed state, my HP, AC, ATK and Endu stats are correct. Not even a single point wrong.


Nbr post: 1647
Register: 8/31/01
Posted: 10/11/13, 1:25 PM

I have some of the heroic vitality/fortitude which somehow is lessening my stats. I have completed all Saviors for CotF so far (part/merc/hero missions all done) and each Savior grants a passive boost to AC, etc. There are 50 ranks of it (which you can only obtain 4 right now, I believe) in the AA tab.

Also, as I mentioned before, CotF owners have 4 shared bank slots.. not sure if you want to update Magelo's layout for that.

Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001

Nbr post: 1647
Register: 8/31/01
Posted: 10/11/13, 2:09 PM

Further testing proves, an account I have that is sync-enabled does fine, but it does not have the CotF expansion.
I'll need to test with Fenthen's account on a character that has not yet visited the new zones / received the new AAs.

Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001
Premium User

Nbr post: 37
Register: 7/2/03
Posted: 10/11/13, 3:43 PM

got the unable to sync error too, but when i check the magelo link it looks good, but in the ranking its still the same old stats. i got one cotf item (earring)
Registered User

Nbr post: 7
Register: 1/4/04
Posted: 10/11/13, 5:58 PM

Would be nice if this issue was actually looked at.

Nbr post: 1647
Register: 8/31/01
Posted: 10/11/13, 6:43 PM

Here is another test, coming from a mule on Fenthen's account, that has never been to the new expansion, and was in the old guild hall instead. Nothing odd save for the new additional shared bank slots.

..and then if you look at his Magelo ( http://eq.magelo.com/profile/1354159) you see an updated stamp of 10/11/2013 3:37:03 PM

Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001

Nbr post: 1647
Register: 8/31/01
Posted: 10/11/13, 6:45 PM

To add, I tried sync'ing several times with Xiltil, always receiving the same message with no update timestamp for his profile on the Magelo Sync program, but updating it anyhow on the profile.

Also, there are issues with ranking and signatures due to this.

Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001

Nbr post: 1647
Register: 8/31/01
Posted: 10/11/13, 8:13 PM

Another character same account, same problem. I wonder if taking items out of the new shared bank slots would fix this...

[2013-10-11 17:14:07] Could not find: magelo-i18n []
[2013-10-11 17:14:07] Using magelo-i18n[en]
[2013-10-11 17:14:07] Using magelo-i18n[en_US]
[2013-10-11 17:14:07] Magelo Sync 4.4.1, Copyright (C) 2013 Magelo Limited
[2013-10-11 17:14:07] Windows 8 6.2 amd64
[2013-10-11 17:14:07] Java version 1.7.0_21
[2013-10-11 17:14:07] America/Los_Angeles, en_US, windows-1252
[2013-10-11 17:14:07]
[2013-10-11 17:14:07] Services initialisation ...
[2013-10-11 17:14:07] Automatic user authentification...
[2013-10-11 17:14:07] Game Slots : 0 free of 3
[2013-10-11 17:14:07] User : Fenthen (PREMIUM)
[2013-10-11 17:14:07] Starting services...
[2013-10-11 17:14:07] Starting service : Content Synchronizer
[2013-10-11 17:14:07] Starting service : Deadlock Hunter
[2013-10-11 17:14:09] Starting service : Game session seeker
[2013-10-11 17:14:10] New game session detected : eqgame.exe[8428]
[2013-10-11 17:14:11] Creating Everquest game monitor
[2013-10-11 17:14:11] Starting game monitor : EverQuest 1.4.22
[2013-10-11 17:14:12] [Char] Step -2
[2013-10-11 17:14:13] [Char] Step -1
[2013-10-11 17:14:13] [Char] Step 0
[2013-10-11 17:14:13] [Char] Step 1
[2013-10-11 17:14:14] [Char] Step 2
[2013-10-11 17:14:14] [Char] Step 3
[2013-10-11 17:14:14] [Char] Step 31
[2013-10-11 17:14:14] [Char] Step 32
[2013-10-11 17:14:15] [Char] Step 33
[2013-10-11 17:14:15] [Char] Step 34
[2013-10-11 17:14:15] Shrouded: 0
[2013-10-11 17:14:15] [Char] Step 4
[2013-10-11 17:14:15] Sending game content to server...
[2013-10-11 17:14:15] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 1.4.22) : 525
[2013-10-11 17:14:15] New detected game objects : 525
[2013-10-11 17:14:16] Game objects asked: 33
[2013-10-11 17:14:17] Syncing character 'Fezzie'
[2013-10-11 17:14:17] Sending game content to server...
[2013-10-11 17:14:17] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 1.4.22) : 525
[2013-10-11 17:14:17] New detected game objects : 0
[2013-10-11 17:14:17] Sending observations
[2013-10-11 17:14:18] Impossible de synchroniser les personnages
magelo.yc: Unable to synchronize character.

Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001

Nbr post: 1647
Register: 8/31/01
Posted: 10/11/13, 8:15 PM

Test complete – I removed the bags/items from the 2 new shard bank slots and sync was successful.

I warned you about the new shared bank slots.

[2013-10-11 17:16:38] Sending game content to server...
[2013-10-11 17:16:38] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 1.4.22) : 525
[2013-10-11 17:16:38] New detected game objects : 525
[2013-10-11 17:16:39] Game objects asked: 21
[2013-10-11 17:16:40] Syncing character 'Fezzie'
[2013-10-11 17:16:40] Sending game content to server...
[2013-10-11 17:16:40] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 1.4.22) : 525
[2013-10-11 17:16:40] New detected game objects : 0
[2013-10-11 17:16:40] Sending observations
[2013-10-11 17:16:41] Fezzie has been synced successfully!

Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001
Registered User

Nbr post: 7
Register: 1/4/04
Posted: 10/11/13, 8:24 PM

Confirmed. If any item is in the new shared bank slots, I was unable to to sync. I moved the items from the 2 new bank slots and synced. Nice work Fenthen.

Nbr post: 11422
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 10/11/13, 8:55 PM

Ya i reviewed the code to account for the extra slots and everything seemed just fine.. There was a little thing I didnt think of however

Anyhow, issue is fixed, thanks again Fenthen for your assistance.