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> > > AC off by more after 22 April Patch.

Messages in topic: AC off by more after 22 April Patch.
Registered User

Nbr post: 19
Register: 2/3/02
Posted: 6/2/16, 5:45 AM

With the last patch AC is off now by more than it was. On magelo I am at 15050 while in game I am at 15090. The difference was not there prior to this patch. Not sure if the avoidance changes impacted AC or what. But something in all their changes impacted your calculations.

Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 6/7/16, 9:04 AM

Hi drakang,

Thanks for your feedback. It's a known issue (please see my post on the homepage) and I am looking into it.

I will keep you posted once I figured out what is going on.
Registered User

Nbr post: 12
Register: 10/14/08
Posted: 7/3/16, 12:31 PM

I get the same AC problem

Just updated my magelo, and my AC is off by 39 : 14 631 on magelo, 14 670 in game