Nbr post: 194
Register: 3/27/08
Posted: 1/9/12, 3:12 AM
I would love to have a hits counter added to the bottom corner or such of my profile. so I could see how many people are checking out my profile and such (Not asking for a list of who, but just a basic counter that updates with every request to see my profile would be more then awesome, and give us who like to flaunt our "epeen" something else to brag about 8) ..
/shrug I am always courious if anyone besides myself and my guild leader (monthly gear checks) views my magelo ever 8(
CaRnon the Fabled Cleric
Realm of Insanity - Xegony
EQ Magelo Advisor/Moderator
Premium User
Nbr post: 120
Register: 2/12/02
Posted: 1/12/12, 4:55 PM
Not sure if it still works, but I remember people creating a 1x1 image file and linking it in the bio section of their profile and they were able to keep track of how many times that image was accessed via their web host where the image was stored.
Nbr post: 11486
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 1/13/12, 6:48 AM
I will come up fairly soon with this feature don't worry. Was wondering what kind of retention we should have ? lifetime, current month and last month ?
Nbr post: 324
Register: 11/3/02
Nbr post: 194
Register: 3/27/08
Posted: 1/19/12, 2:30 AM
I would personally like a lifetime counter, but maby if possible a option to choose if you want a lifetime/monthly or such... but if I had to choose a lifetime would be awesome
CaRnon the Fabled Cleric
Realm of Insanity - Xegony
EQ Magelo Advisor/Moderator
Nbr post: 194
Register: 3/27/08
Posted: 1/25/12, 3:58 AM
I am excited about this addition to the profiles.. We have issues in our guild with a few members not keeping their magelo up to date. and I think if you add a view counter (I still say life time views ,is the way to go).....
In my guild we are very competive with each other over everything and if/when you add the view counter I think it will get players to keep their profiles as current as possible...
Another idea to go with the profile view counter would it be possible to be able to rank profiles with a option of total views like you can atm with HP / mana/ etc... would just be another neat way for us to flex our e-peens 8)
Thank you for working on this. and when it goes live I will get the word out asap....
CaRnon the Fabled Cleric
Realm of Insanity - Xegony
EQ Magelo Advisor/Moderator
Nbr post: 194
Register: 3/27/08
Registered User
Nbr post: 4
Register: 7/31/02
Posted: 3/29/13, 10:35 AM
If this is still planned I would like to add my dos centavos.
- Would be nice to have the counter configurable in options. For example, check boxes on what to show like - last 30 days - last 90 days - lifetime, etc.
- Would be great if the counter could not record a hit if the profile's owner is currently logged in and viewing their selves
Thanks, and keep up the great work!
- Rylaar.