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Premium User

Nbr post: 108
Register: 7/15/03
Posted: 1/21/12, 11:47 AM

Hello and a late Happy New Year !

Until VoA came out, Magelo had a nice "Guild Items" list. You could choose between a list of weapons, scrolls, armor and misc.
The lists showed all items for that category, and where they are stored: Character - Inventar / Bank - Bag - Slot in the bag - Item count in this bag slot.
The "Slot in the bag" was given up when the big bags were introduced (no big loss tough), followed by the "Bag" info (big loss with 24 bags in the bank).

Why was this nice concept given up? I am the "Spell Storage" of my guild so every time I got asked for a spell, I had to lookup for each spell were exactly it is .

Currently you can just see the Char and count of the item on this char. Hovering over the char opens a "map" (similar to the bank view of Default UI) where and how much of the item on the char is.
Unfortunately, I have a Bank UI Window which has two rows with all bags expanded instead of the 3 bag groups.

Sure, some guildies try to help me with that and do the bag counting for themself, but some count wrong: Instead of counting 1st column downwards, then 2nd column downwards etc. they count the first row from left to right, then 2nd row etc.
"Watermarked" bag indicators in the slot background would help alot.

And there's a more worse thing: I had to flag my chars as "Mule" instead of "Guild Mule" because the spells don't appear in the Guild Bank list anymore. So to look for a particular spell I have to browse "my" inventory now ...

Will that "old", handy list have a comeback?



Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 1/27/12, 8:15 AM

Hi MWunsch,

Good point on the custom UI, I guess i never really thought about that one.. And i understand your situation, let me think about it to check how i can try to resolved that.

As for the guild mule vs guild bank thing, is there any particular reason that you are still using a character to carry guild items rather than using the guild bank ? Is the guild bank space not enough that you have to still use characters ?

We removed the guild mule support on the basis that having the guild bank now would fit how people are managing guild items.

So tell me more about your use case and again we can see how we can help you, we are here to help !
Premium User

Nbr post: 108
Register: 7/15/03
Posted: 2/4/12, 1:26 PM

Hello Jelan,

Thanks for replying to my cause; I was a bit busy in the last week so I missed your reply (is there no email notification possible in the forums?).

For the bag count feature I think the easiest solution would be just replace the pop-up image with one which has numbered slots. Unfortunately I can't provide an example how that could look like.
Of course I would already be happy if the list itself would contain the slot numbers again .

My other problem ... I'll explain it.
As I said I'm the manager of my guild's spells. Which means, I have alot of spells stored, for each class, beginning with Kunark era, ending with UF (= L51 to L85).
So when someone begins with a new toon, (s)he can request for spells instead of farming or buying them. Sometimes I have to say "Sorry, I lack of that spell".

I currently have four chars, each slot filled with (alt least 10-slot) bags. Not all bags are full und luckily I give more spells out than I have to store.
I separated the spells roughly (two chars contain all spells up to OoW, one char has SoF spells, and the 4th has SoD and UF stored). So, according to Magelo Inventory Tool, I have ~ 900 spells stored plus the UF "Trade-In Gem: ..." items (they're still flagged as "Misc") - just too much for any guild bank .
Luckily, HoT and VoA don't add any spells to that pool and I hope SOE will stay on that Rk.II "voucher" system for coming expansions.

It would already help alot if the "Guild Bank Items" list includes the stuff on "Guild Mule" chars. It could looke like "Spellname | Guild Mule | Amount | Bag No" (when on char) and "Spell name | Guild Bank | Amount | ---" (when in guild bank). Again, just a suggestion, I'm not into Java and database programming so I can't say how to put that into code .

I hope I didn't sound like a rambling customer now , I wish you a nice weekend tough.



Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 2/13/12, 5:49 AM

Hey MWunsch,

I better understand your situation and I will try to support back the guild mule in the guild bank as well as addressing the issue with location of bags.

As for reply notification, it's on my Todo list, I will tackle this soon as well.

Thanks again for your post and talk to you soon with some good news !
Premium User

Nbr post: 108
Register: 7/15/03
Posted: 2/25/12, 3:32 PM

Thanks alot, Jelan, this are good promises.

I hope in March, when EQ goes "Free to Play", some people will come back and need some spells so I can free up my char's a bit .
