Premium User
Nbr post: 220
Register: 1/16/07
Posted: 8/26/13, 11:07 PM
I have synched and resynched after clearing my magelo cache, but my stats and AA count are overly inflated. I show to have 4 separate entries for each newly consolidated Planar stat (agility, charisma, dexterity etc). Any help would be appreciated.
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 8/28/13, 2:16 AM
Hello Altreal1,
Yes we are working on a fix to properly address the recent changes on the newly consolidated Planar stat. We will keep you posted.
Premium User
Nbr post: 220
Register: 1/16/07
Posted: 9/11/13, 3:48 PM
Sorry for the late reply, I wanted to get an update. Should I delete and resynch?
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 9/21/13, 11:06 PM
HI Altreal1,
The issue should now be fixed, just re sync and everything should be fine. Have a great WE !
Premium User
Nbr post: 220
Register: 1/16/07
Posted: 9/23/13, 7:24 PM
Most issues have been resolved, except 4
In game stats:
Agility: 1095 (base 740 + 355 heroic)
Dexterity: 1195 (base 740 + 455 heroic)
Spell Dmg: 613
Heal Amt: 617
Agility: 1096 (no clue other than in game stat page showing 741/740)
Dexterity: 1205 (10 extra from somewhere possibly starting point allocation change after race change)
Spell Dmg: 608 (T3 raid charm not giving 121%)
Heal Amt: 611 (T3 raid charm not giving 121%)
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 9/25/13, 1:30 PM
Hi Altreal1,
Agi / Dex issue is related to your stat caps which is right now 10 more than what is should be. I gonna investigate this asap and will let you know.
Will also check what is happening with the charm...
Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 10/10/13, 11:53 PM
I should have fixed the stat cap issue now. Please sync again and let me know how it goes.
Premium User
Nbr post: 220
Register: 1/16/07
Posted: 10/11/13, 11:27 AM
I didn't even have to sync, the dex and agility caps are being properly enforced just by opening my profile.