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Messages in topic: Magelo doesn't read vendors that use alternate currency
Premium User

Nbr post: 51
Register: 10/10/01
Posted: 11/12/13, 7:00 PM

Magelo doesn't correctly attribute the source of an item to a non-plat currency vendor, sometimes even when you buy an item from them with magelo sync running. I've bought items off both Tatsujiro the Serene [Norrath's Keepers Merchant] and Halon Griere [Blacksail Smugglers Merchant]. When you look for them directly in Magelo, Tatsujiro and Xieb Darkskies (his counter faction counterpart) show no sell table at all and Halon's is incomplete.

Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/16/13, 9:45 AM

Thanks Tenien, I will look into this asap !