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Nbr post: 39
Register: 10/24/01
Posted: 11/29/13, 11:50 AM
I moved this here ... I have a few songs in my media manager and they will play in there if I click on them but if I bring up my profile and highlight the music note all I get is silence. An I doing something wrong?
Whipsnade Regnar
Huntmaster of Tunare
Whipsnade Larson'E
Huntmaster of Tunare
Nbr post: 1663
Register: 8/31/01
Posted: 12/2/13, 1:02 PM
Have you tried other media music files? Or removing / re-adding the one you uploaded?
I have music on at least a dozen characters and have never run into this problem.
Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001
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Nbr post: 39
Register: 10/24/01
Posted: 12/2/13, 2:07 PM
I have 3 different mp3 files in the media manager and they all play fine in there. No such luck on my profile page. I would think if they play in the media manager page they should play in the profile
Whipsnade Larson'E
Huntmaster of Tunare
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 12/3/13, 11:00 PM
Hi Whipsnade,
Looks like it is a browser issue.
When I open your profile, I can hear the song on Internet Explorer and Firefox but not on Chrome.
Could you please also try on your side and let me know what happens?
Nbr post: 1663
Register: 8/31/01
Posted: 12/3/13, 11:29 PM
I can partially confirm that. The music does not play in my default Chrome, nor does it play in Firefox. It does however load in Internet Explorer.
Firefox version 25.0.1
IE ver 11.0.9600.16438
What type of file is that? Is it a valid mp3 file? If so, you might want to try recompressing it (go to .wav and back to .mp3) to see if that helps, the encoding may be off.
Edit: Okay I found it here:
When loading the link on Firefox it plays without a problem. Perhaps it may be not a true mp3 and Magelo's script to call the file cannot handle it somehow? I'm merely grasping at straws.
I see the mp3 file is 160kbps encoded by iTunes
Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001
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Nbr post: 39
Register: 10/24/01
Posted: 12/4/13, 10:35 AM
I run Firefox latest ver and I just tried it on IE. No music on Firefox but it works on IE. I don't have Chrome on my system.
All 3 mp3's were encoded in itunes and none of the 3 work on here. Sine they play in the Media Manager I would think there is no issue with the mp3's
Are there any specific plugins that need to be running in FF that need to be running
Whipsnade Larson'E
Huntmaster of Tunare
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Nbr post: 39
Register: 10/24/01
Posted: 12/12/13, 5:30 PM
Did you guys give up trying to help me fix this problem?
Whipsnade Larson'E
Huntmaster of Tunare
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 12/12/13, 10:50 PM
No of course, we just have to cope with a game patch at the moment so this is our priority to update Magelo Sync.
I spoke about your issue with Jelan and he is agree that the music should play if it plays already in the media manager, so he needs to investigate the profile code. We will keep you posted.
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Nbr post: 39
Register: 10/24/01
Posted: 12/13/13, 11:21 AM
ok thanks
Whipsnade Larson'E
Huntmaster of Tunare
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Nbr post: 39
Register: 10/24/01
Posted: 2/1/14, 1:54 PM
It's been around 6 weeks since I heard anything about this problem. So am I paying for a service that won't work with the most popular browser out there?
Whipsnade Larson'E
Huntmaster of Tunare
Nbr post: 1663
Register: 8/31/01
Posted: 2/1/14, 5:45 PM
Try ripping your mp3 file with a different program or method. I use Windows Media Player and have no problems.
Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001
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Nbr post: 39
Register: 10/24/01
Posted: 2/10/14, 2:13 PM
I'm starting to get reminders because my account expires in a few days. Not very likely that I'll renew it with the lack of customer support I got with this issue. The mp3s play in the media manager so it can't be an encoding issue. I first posted this problem on Nov 29th so it's been almost 2 1/2 months and still no results, even with a bit of time for you to mess with the new content this is ridicules.
Whipsnade Larson'E
Huntmaster of Tunare
Nbr post: 1663
Register: 8/31/01
Posted: 2/10/14, 4:21 PM
FYI - I downloaded your mp3 file, uploaded it to my storage and added it to a profile and it works fine.
Your file is located here: – that is the resource your profile is pulling from.
I saved it to my desktop and added it to my media and another profile here:
It plays fine! Have you actually tried removing / re-adding the file on your own media? There may have been a problem with the upload, I don't know the internal works of Magelo.
Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 2/10/14, 9:27 PM
Hi Whipsnade,
We are again really sorry regarding your issue. We tried to reproduce it but we couldn't so it's difficult to understand exactly what is happening. Please try to remove the mp3 file and upload it again as Fenthen suggested. Hopefully it will work.
Jelan told me he still need to check something in the code, so I will keep you posted if he finds the problem. To compensate this long wait, we granted your Premium account with 1 extra month. Once again we apologize. And thank you Fenthen for your help.
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Nbr post: 39
Register: 10/24/01
Posted: 2/11/14, 2:34 PM
Thanks for the extra month.
I clicked on the link to the other profile that you created and it worked fine on my system. I also deleted the 3 songs I had in the media manager and uploaded 2 different ones and they won't play either.
I just went to Internet Explorer and tried both of the new songs I uploaded and they play ok there.
Whipsnade Larson'E
Huntmaster of Tunare