I'm having a problem seeing my additional shared bank slots.
I see the original slots as normal and they appear to be functioning correctly. My two additional slot for the current expansion are not showing where they should be. Instead 1 slot shows above the top left bank slot in "free space" not in a defined block space.
This is of course is a very low priority for me.
You guys/gals do a great job staying on top of the endless patches and updates. And you offer a fun service at a reasonable fee. Thank you.
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 12/13/13, 4:19 AM
Thanks for your kind words Kromeollie! We really appreciate
You right, we need to add those 2 additional slots. We will keep you posted when it's done!
Have a great week-end
Registered User
Nbr post: 1
Register: 5/6/14
Posted: 5/7/14, 9:50 AM
Any word on this fix? It's been months now since last post about it, and as a new subscriber, I'm having EXACTLY the same prob as the OP. And also would convey the same thoughts- overall an amazing service that MOSTLY, is a huge convenience and well thought out. Good stuff. Plz fix shared slot prob tho heh.TIA.
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 5/8/14, 2:39 AM
Yes sorry about the delay. We still need to take care of this issue.
We will keep you posted when it's done. Thank you for the reminder feverquest!
Premium User
Nbr post: 108
Register: 7/15/03
Posted: 10/18/17, 12:05 PM
cough cough lots of dust in here ... sorry for resurrecting this thread.
Any news for the 3rd and 4th Shared Bank slot? Asking because a guildie has issues to recover the content (s)he had in the shared bank.
I know Magelo does catch the contents of the slots there, but neither displays them in the Profile overview nor the exact location bag in the Inventory list.