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Nbr post: 7
Register: 7/8/10
Posted: 7/13/14, 11:19 PM
Plane of War suffix please ! "The Strategic Tactician"
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 7/17/14, 6:13 AM
Hi Bahda13,
Magelo Sync should automatically detect your suffix, if you have one.
As soon as we update Magelo Sync for the the last game update, please try again to sync your character and let us know how it goes.
Nbr post: 1664
Register: 8/31/01
Posted: 7/18/14, 1:41 PM
Ensure that the Identity Card for your character ( has your suffix not hidden. You're only using your first name so everything else must be hidden, or was unused when you sync'd.
There's also the chance that your first name + title for PoWar is too long to fit in the profile/signature, in which case we'd have to file this as a bug to see if Jelan/Louina want to lengthen the text character limitation. This may definitely be the case. I have to remove my surname to have the title fit.
Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001
Registered User
Nbr post: 7
Register: 7/8/10
Posted: 7/19/14, 6:13 PM
Yes i do unhide it, but the length of it might be the cause, so may i request a fix on length of name + suffix
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 7/21/14, 11:46 PM
There is indeed a limitation of the number of character you can display in the profile and signature. You can go up to 28, otherwise the text will not fit.
I double check your settings, only "Bahdah" is visible. As I noticed few days ago, there is no suffix synchronized. If you go in your "characters page > edit > identity card", you will see there is no suffix. The title and surname are hidden, so at the moment only your name is visible.
Could you log your character ingame, put the suffix on and then synchronize it with Magelo Sync? I want to make sure we correctly sync the suffix. Thanks!
Registered User
Nbr post: 7
Register: 7/8/10
Posted: 7/22/14, 12:06 AM
this was alrdy done, sync and all, it didnt work the time i did it, and im aware of making what i want visble, tried again just now, and its now visible. Thank you for whatever u did.
Nbr post: 1664
Register: 8/31/01
Posted: 7/22/14, 1:28 AM
Hey Jelan, we gotta get the spaces after the first name removed when followed by a comma. Both of our profiles look funny. 
Maybe add the space before the surname, and not after the first name?
Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001
Nbr post: 4235
Register: 2/8/06
Posted: 7/22/14, 3:18 AM
Bahda13, glad to see everything is ok!
Yes Fenthen, I agree, we need to remove the space after the name. Will keep you posted on that!