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Registered User

Nbr post: 14
Register: 10/4/03
Posted: 1/8/07, 9:22 PM

i tried asking about this by way of tech support, and now my premium has expired. i'll be damned if i will pay to find out the answer is "no", or " i don't know". WHEN will we be able to get more slots?? and how do we??
i want to pay for something i like, but won't be renewing premium till i get the answers i want.

Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 1/9/07, 4:21 AM

It was supposed to come somewhere last week or this week. It's coming, for sure, so I guess the next patch to the site will hold it.
Registered User

Nbr post: 14
Register: 10/4/03
Posted: 1/9/07, 4:41 PM

ok, so when will a list of features with a pricelist happen?? i have several characters on my magelo, one was MU-able that won't be IF i get premium, again. is there any way it can be deselected, and left undeleted so it can be manually updated in the future??
this is making me feel like i will get bad news because i can't find answers easily.

Nbr post: 449
Register: 5/6/01
Posted: 1/10/07, 1:47 PM


In the next update which is coming this week, you will be able to purchase 5 extra slots for 24.95$, on top of the 3 existing ones.


Every man dies. Not every man really lives.
Registered User

Nbr post: 176
Register: 11/25/01
Posted: 1/13/07, 12:38 PM

Conveniently close to $5 per slot, so why bundle them instead of giving us the option of buying new game slots separately? You can always offer discounts for people who buy in bulk.

Yaxa Brightmoon
Arch Arcanist of Maelin Starpyre
Registered User

Nbr post: 5
Register: 11/7/01
Posted: 1/13/07, 2:45 PM

Why limit it to 5 extra slots? I had 13 slots previously (and I would like them back). I resubscribed for the base price, but unless I can get all my accounts in here, it really doesn't help me much.
Registered User

Nbr post: 14
Register: 10/4/03
Posted: 1/14/07, 10:50 AM

i don't know who has gotten there greedy, ill-advised fingers into what USED to be a cool idea, but this smacks of some plat farmer's idea of how to gring more $$ out of people. it's easy to see the minds that came up with this new format and fee schedule aren't doing this out of love for anything but $$. i'm gonna wait a lil while and see what changes, but am talking to some friends who write software about this mess. i bet a ton of people would switch to ANY competitor that offered a magelo clone that was cheaper, or at least had a better designed fee schedule that met all our needs, out of spite towards these changes. i'm all for the people behind this idea making a profit, but they are s far away from the original concept it stinks. kinda like what sony did to eq after verant, it's just a money grinding machine atm, .
Registered User

Nbr post: 9
Register: 6/23/04
Posted: 1/19/07, 3:31 PM

Quote" i bet a ton of people would switch to ANY competitor that offered a magelo clone that was cheaper, or at least had a better designed fee schedule that met all our needs, out of spite towards these changes. -bundler"

It's called EQplayers, have fun over there. I'm more then happy with the current Magelo system. $25 a year is a great price, just a bit over $2 a month. Add 5 more EQ account for another $25, which I have done. Try getting this out of EQplayers you'll be paying $2 a month per account. An we wont even going into functionality.
Registered User

Nbr post: 14
Register: 10/4/03
Posted: 1/25/07, 12:18 PM

not even considering current options, but a new product that is more flexible. the magelo we loved is gone, and now it is going to be how the people running it get rich. did you know that the asswipe that runs IGE grossed over 1,000,000.00 last year?? we spoiled, rich americans want everything, and care little for rules or integrity. magelo WAS a great tool for us, and the current product is still great, even at $25/year. i want pricing that allows us to decide what we get, how much and how many we apply magelo to. they like shoehorning us all into one template.
Registered User

Nbr post: 127
Register: 8/25/02
Posted: 1/25/07, 1:20 PM

"It's called EQplayers, have fun over there. I'm more then happy with the current Magelo system. $25 a year is a great price, just a bit over $2 a month. Add 5 more EQ account for another $25, which I have done. Try getting this out of EQplayers you'll be paying $2 a month per account. An we wont even going into functionality."

Actually, I'm enjoying my free autosync and profile from EQ players, even if it is a tad buggy. If all you want is a link, then its completely free. You just can't see your AA's, skills, spells, and keys/flags. You can see all of your gear and stats though.

I think alot of people are just misinformed.

Moklianne -Magelo