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Messages in topic: how to get accurate ac/hp
Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 9/30/03
Posted: 1/23/07, 12:21 PM

On the old magelo you could edit your character in order to display your correct hp/ac. How do you do this on the new magelo. I have everthing entered correctly and it displays my character having about 100 less ac.
Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 5/16/02
Posted: 1/23/07, 12:57 PM

Have you put in all your stats / skills / aa / augs correctly? The Defense skill certainly goes towards your displayed AC. I'm not sure about avoidance AA or the avoidance mod2

In addiition, the ND / PE lines of will affect your displayed HP, and your stat-max-increase AA will affect HP too, and to a smaller extent, AC

75 Forest Stalker
Europa, Druzzil Ro
(Formerly of Nightwatcher, The Seventh Hammer)
Registered User

Nbr post: 66
Register: 12/23/02
Posted: 1/25/07, 11:54 AM

It was AC and ATK that you could manipulate and then only by like 120~

You can't do this on the new one.

ATK and AC are off because they do not have the actual formula to calcuate AC it's just a best guess forumla derived from the AC and ATK of the various players after taking all known variables into consideration.
Registered User

Nbr post: 127
Register: 8/25/02
Posted: 1/25/07, 1:01 PM

Avoidance adds AC, besides just the avoidance mod, so once you hit the avoidance cap, it still adds AC. I am unsure how much AC per avoidance # though.

Moklianne -Magelo