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Messages in topic: All items not syncing.
Premium User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 3/2/03
Posted: 9/19/15, 10:43 AM

Since returning to the game after 2 years off, I've replaced 3 pieces of equipment. They do not show up when I sync. Bags aren't correct either. I looked through the differences between normal and premium membership and my understanding is that all items should sync, though maybe not the bags?

Profile here - http://eq.magelo.com/profile/605985

In game SS here - http://prntscr.com/8i3e0e

Both weapons and the mask are new.


Nbr post: 1638
Register: 8/31/01
Posted: 9/20/15, 1:08 AM

Your inventory does not synchronize unless you are a premium user. You can manually edit them however.

Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001
Premium User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 3/2/03
Posted: 9/21/15, 10:56 AM

Absolutely understandable. However, my profile says Authentic after it syncs, which it is not. That is confusing. It would be best if you are not premium to never get the Authentic tag, because that is misleading.

Not a bug but not right either. Thanks!

Nbr post: 1638
Register: 8/31/01
Posted: 9/22/15, 4:42 PM

I agree, the Authentic logo is misleading a bit. =/

Magelo profile #725 - Born July 1 1999, Magelo on August 31 2001