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Messages in topic: New MS Edge browser
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Nbr post: 10
Register: 8/24/05
Posted: 10/28/15, 4:38 PM

Hi Magelo,

I was wondering if it was possible to use the new Microsoft Edge browser to highlight text for an item or piece of gear, inside a magelo profile window so I can right click the text and copy it. Right now, when I attempt to highlight text for say the name of my left Ear, rather than giving me the option to copy the text, it just closes the description box. I do NOT have this problem when using Firefox or Chrome. It maybe just the way that Edge handles Java, but I was wondering if you could tell me if there was something that I could "turn on / turn off" to allow this to work before I send a message to MS asking for an answer.

Thanks for your help!

Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 12/9/15, 12:00 AM

Hi PPalis,

I dont have any experience with Microsoft Edge browser so I cant really help you there. Magelo profiles are html pages, there is no Java being involved there (Only Magelo Sync is written in Java).

When you click an item in your profile, it should expand to take on the full page and display augment details and the like. In that view, you should be able to select some text and copy it.

If by just clicking to start selecting text, Edge is closing the view already, this is most probably a bug on their side.