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Messages in topic: Premium account paid but not active
Premium User

Nbr post: 1
Register: 11/8/06
Posted: 6/4/16, 8:26 PM

Paid via paypal and paypal deducted, received emails from Magelo saying I paid but on webpage says billing was denied. Thanks

Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID # 66N10737DN4177518)

Business Name:
Magelo (The recipient of this payment is Non-U.S. - Verified)
Email: payments@magelo.com


Business Contact Information

Customer Service Email:
Customer Service Phone:
+852 93308737


Amount sent:
-$25.20 USD
Fee amount:
$0.00 USD
Net amount:
-$25.20 USD


Invoice ID: 124593
Date: Jun 2, 2016
Time: 08:35:00 PDT
Status: Completed



You have sent $25.20 USD to Magelo with PayPal


Premium subscription (360)

Funding Type:
PayPal Balance
Funding Source:
$25.20 USD - PayPal Account


Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 6/7/16, 9:02 AM

Hi Ugloth,

It seems there is an issue with Paypal payment notification at the moment and our system thinks the payment failed.. I am looking at the issue and will get back to you by tomorrow with an update.

Thanks for your patience.

Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 6/7/16, 10:45 PM

It seems there was a glitch within Paypal because the payment is reported as not successful using their API yet the transaction was successful..

I am reverting this payment, please give it another try. Thanks !