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Nbr post: 2
Register: 10/27/01
Posted: 3/21/07, 2:20 AM
Any chance of getting this set up so it can auto update Keys and Flags? And get the new keys and flags put into your database so we can update til then?
And would also like to see + BS ranking in there still like in old magelo if possible. I am sure other classes would like to see their stuff too. That way we can judge better what gear we need.
Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 3/21/07, 5:35 AM
Keys and Flags data is kept serverside by SOE. As such it is not available for Magelo, and therefore it cannot be synchronised along with the other character data. This is unfortunate, otherwise it would be part of the synchronisation data for sure. It's out of our reach, so it's a no-go.
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Nbr post: 11
Register: 1/6/03
Posted: 3/21/07, 3:58 PM
Hmm. A random thought. If I understand Magelo correctly, it scans the EQ memory space to find what it needs. Perhaps it could be programmed to scan for the /key command, then read the results. This wouldn't be a complete list of keys that the person has (as some keys don't go on the keyring), but it would cover the vast majority of keys.
Sir KyrosKrane Sylvanblade
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Nbr post: 2781
Register: 10/29/01
Posted: 3/22/07, 1:35 PM
You can't scan for the /key command. If it hasn't been invoked by the user, the client hasn't seen the data. If it has been invoked by the user, the data is processed in a transient buffer. Afterward, the buffer vanishes. Your computer only sees the whole data set in a fleeting glimpse.
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Nbr post: 127
Register: 8/25/02
Posted: 3/22/07, 3:09 PM
I still don't understand why the Magelo client can't scan the text when you zone into or out of a specific zone for the virtual flag text and then simply give the flag to the profile or deny it based on that.
Also, when are you guys going to do something with the organization of the flags? Copying the useless naming and organization from EQplayers doesn't make it useful just because it now has a Magelo tag.
Moklianne -Magelo
Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 3/23/07, 5:15 AM
Would it be able to distinguish between a "guest pass access" to a flagged zone and a real access?
As for the organization, I think that it's on the to-do list.
Registered User
Nbr post: 127
Register: 8/25/02
Posted: 3/26/07, 5:43 PM
There is text that is displayed when you zone in, if you are a virtual flag. I forget what it is, its something like "The will of your comrades allows your passage."
If it can't be detected onscreen, then force us to enable logging and scan the log for the text.
Moklianne -Magelo
Registered User
Nbr post: 84
Register: 4/21/03
Posted: 3/27/07, 3:22 AM
I am pretty sure that not everytime you zone into a zone by will-in that you are getting some special text like when you zone into PoP zones or CoA, never saw any special message when I was willed in.
With your methode it would also require that somebody who want to add keys and flaggs to his profile actually needs to zone into each and every zone they are flagged in order to record it to the profile?