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> > > System Errors in Mob/Loot section and Models type issues

Messages in topic: System Errors in Mob/Loot section and Models type issues
Registered User

Nbr post: 29
Register: 12/2/01
Posted: 3/23/07, 10:33 AM

There are a number of Mobs in the NPC section that when you click on them bring up a System error (Example off the top of my head- Valdeholme, Mature Lake Skater (Spider Model))

Also- the Whole concept of the model type should probably be considered for scrapping. There are numerous reasons NPC Model type can be wrong, such as the necro spell that turns critters into skeletons (Again, an example is a mature lake skater in Valdeholm), and even corrupt data files on the Clients Computer (Makes many models appear as default human, Example- look at the NPC list for Goru`kar Mesa, manay many entries are duplicated with the human model type), which then causes item drop %'s to be spread across multiple entries needlessly.


Registered User

Nbr post: 10
Register: 12/9/01
Posted: 4/6/07, 9:08 PM

I keep magelo update running in the background like everytime I play, and still have to see one lootpiece updated by me.
I looted items off fo mobs such as Thought Leeches in Mons Letalis which weren't in the database yet at all, and still they aren't getting into the database at all.
Are there any ports I need to open on my router so magelo update actually updates the NPC / Loot database?

Authentic upgrading my Character profile works without any problems, mobloot database upload doesnt seem to work at all for me.


Nbr post: 11496
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 4/7/07, 6:57 AM

There is an issue with loot at the moment, i will push an update early next week that will address this among other things.