Posted: 4/28/07, 12:15 PM
It's honestly really simple...
The cap for regen stats (HP,Mana,Endur) is on bonus coming from items only. When you stand, your meditation skill and its effect on your mana regen is not computed but you got one extra point.
So basically, without items, when you stand you gain 5 mana per tick (innate mana regen from your AAs and the extra point: 4+1) and when you sit, medidation kicks in and you get 29 mana per tick (4+25).
So far it should be clear.
Now we apply the bonus you get from items. This one, as said above, is capped. In your case, you have +42 mana points from your items but your cap is at 25 mana points so you will "just" get that amount which gives us:
Total standing : 5 + 25 = 30
Total sitting : 29 + 25 = 54
Note that this total is on the front page of your profile if you don't want to bother with details and as for the old cap, it's totally irrelevant now, because it was based on FT items and the game mechanics have changed since then.