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Messages in topic: Patch to EverQuest - AA revamp

Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 7/7/07, 9:08 AM

EverQuest was patched 2 days ago. Among the changes was a total revamp of the AA skill tree, which will have impact on how Magelo Update reads the data. As usual, Magelo Update will be down and unusable for the time being.

Jelan and co will be working on a patch to the Updater, to incorporate this new AA skill tree as well as the other changes. Stay tuned for an update to the Updater and apologies for the downtime in the mean time.
Registered User

Nbr post: 3
Register: 8/1/03
Posted: 7/7/07, 1:01 PM

As usual just when we guys have all the bugs worked out SOE throws in another patch, thanks in advance for all your hard work.

74 Cleric
Solito Bandito
The Nameless

Premium User

Nbr post: 58
Register: 9/21/04
Posted: 7/8/07, 5:13 AM

I imagine this one will be a while considering the AA tree changes. And it's always when I win new loot! =P

Have fun patching up! =) We'll be here.

Registered User

Nbr post: 5
Register: 7/2/03
Posted: 7/8/07, 2:52 PM

Thanks for the updates
Registered User

Nbr post: 14
Register: 11/27/01
Posted: 7/8/07, 6:34 PM

I wonder if the revamped item display window will cause any headaches for Magelo too? I imagine the AA one will be a pain to update, so best of luck to the Magelo team! I look forward to the update and will exercise a lot of patience waiting for this one.
Jugarn Jax
Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 2/24/05
Posted: 7/8/07, 7:19 PM

I think the Magelo item window is easier to read than the one the patch broke, plzkeepitthx.
Registered User

Nbr post: 247
Register: 10/13/02
Posted: 7/8/07, 9:54 PM

I agree.. keep the traditional item view, if possible. At least for now.

There has been a lot of discussions on EQForums and the developers have admitted that the new Item View is not acceptable and that they will be tweaking it. Hopefully they will improve the new view a LOT and also allow users to choose the old view if they prefer that.

So, there's no point in changing Magelo item view until EQ itself gets sorted out.

Registered User

Nbr post: 143
Register: 1/16/06
Posted: 7/9/07, 11:47 AM

I agree. Keep old item viewer until soe decides what to do. Then keep the old viewer~
Registered User

Nbr post: 11
Register: 4/21/07
Posted: 7/9/07, 4:08 PM

I agree with the others on the Item view window. The new one is just plain horrid looking. I think the Devs would be smart to just include an option of Classic view and new view when they change things like this.

Of course, I hate the new AA window as well, just a disorganized mess now. But I can live with it better then I can the item window.

That is the long way of saying, please keep the views in Magelo looking as they do now. They are easy to read and should not require a change.
Registered User

Nbr post: 63
Register: 12/11/01
Posted: 7/10/07, 2:17 PM

Any chance that we could get an "interim" release of Magelo Update that leaves the AA change stuff to one side? (That is, just mark the AA tabs as "being rebuilt" for now). (I realise that probably means that various things like stat caps and so on will be wrong till the AAs are re-mapped to their new equivalents...)
Registered User

Nbr post: 5
Register: 11/15/03
Posted: 7/10/07, 6:13 PM

I hate the new item inspect window and it appears to be bugged. Some of my warrior's weapons are showing up as 'Red', even though he can use and equip them.

Man, someone over there at Sony was really hitting the crack-pipe pretty bad when they came up with that new window, hehe. I hope that they just back out the changes and leave it alone.
Registered User

Nbr post: 10
Register: 10/10/01
Posted: 7/10/07, 8:44 PM

I do like the part of the item window to click off the augs and see the raw item, THAT is a good idea. The rest of the window though is just hard to read. As far as the AA window goes. It makes finishing full lines of AA's easier, but at the same time, makes finding the original AA's harder. I do like the fact that you don't have to remap hotkeys when you upgrade an activated AA now though. It's just another good idea that was implemented improperly.

Aquatic Elf
Registered User

Nbr post: 8
Register: 12/13/02
Posted: 7/10/07, 10:19 PM

They're probably going to make additional changes to the window too, like remove some of the Beta AAs they introduced by mistake (that you cannot purchase).

Probably going to take awhile o_O.
Registered User

Nbr post: 4
Register: 1/2/06
Posted: 7/11/07, 9:53 AM

I am slowly learning the new AA tree.I grow to like it .I like the way to alter the options at the foot of the window.Looks like we will have to back to the old window though as people don't like the change. Oh well thats life.

Registered User

Nbr post: 7
Register: 6/18/06
Posted: 7/11/07, 2:06 PM

i like the new AA window actrually but i do think the new item window is very bad i havent heard of anyone who even remotely likes it