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Registered User

Nbr post: 24
Register: 12/29/01
Posted: 7/29/07, 12:33 AM

I wanted to say thank you for your continued dedication to this product. Sony does not mak it easy to do what you do here, and yet you persist in delivering a professional product again and again.
Yes the down time is frustrting, but....and this is huge, Magelo works. The only alternative EQPlayers is still not showing the correct information about AA's and is at best totaly unreliable. EQPlayers has never in it's existance been able to ever meeet the quality of this site, or to come close to the level of consistancy that Magelo delivers.
All of this and Sony has the actual numbers and code to work from. AMAZING work.

Registered User

Nbr post: 4
Register: 2/9/03
Posted: 7/29/07, 3:41 AM

I'd like to second this. As unfortunate as the the three week delay for premium update was, you guys got it fixed and even reimbursed the time. Ignore the whiny punks who crawl these forums, thanks again for a great product.

Registered User

Nbr post: 92
Register: 10/31/02
Posted: 7/29/07, 8:34 AM

I'll throw in my kudo's here as well. You folks at Magelo do great work, and I appreciate the added time, though I did not expect it.


75 Vah Shir BST
Registered User

Nbr post: 14
Register: 10/4/03
Posted: 7/30/07, 12:51 AM

ok, i'm here to toss kudos at the devs, not complain. i really appreciate all the hard work you have done, are doing, and the future efforts. i bow to you for the three free weeks, that is terrific, but have one small point to make. the cost of magelo is not very much for what it does, though it has gone up. the problem was with magelo having become THE source of validation to app to many guilds and the downtime. when it was VERY cheap, it was annoying to wait for a fix, but with increased rates it grates on people more.
in the future, give us updates to let us know what is going on and i bet you will see waaaay less grousing here.
to those of you who insist on being cheerleading sheep......you must not live very successfuly in a workforce if you think raising prices and offering a product that won't work will fly very well with paying customers. nobody here wanted anything except what we were paying for.