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Messages in topic: Deciphering the Modifiers Tab
Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 7/10/07
Posted: 9/26/07, 4:15 PM

I have some AA's saved up and I was hoping to use Magelo to figure out how many additional ranks of Planer Power my current gear would fill up. The main screen shows that my current caps are filled, and that's good. But when I swtich over to the modifiers section I can't figure out how far over my cap I am because all the numbers are well below my cap.

My profile id is 1364203, and you can see that STA is at 370 for instance and that is what it says in game. On the modifiers tab it shows 304 from items, 41 from augments and then total 345/246.

Where is the rest of the STA coming from? What does Total 345/246 mean?

Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 9/26/07, 7:00 PM

There's also STA from your base STA (possibly enhanced through AA skills). I believe the 246 is the "effective" amount of STA you gain from your gear. In other words, your gear has 99 more STA than what you need to reach your current STA cap.

Adding the difference between STA from your gear (345) and your max (370) to that value of 99, then your base STA (along with possible AA skills to your STA) would be 124.
Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 7/10/07
Posted: 9/26/07, 7:20 PM

That makes a lot of sense. My base STA is 114 and then I got 10 more for DoN Tier 1 AA. Looks like I'll get some real use out of investing in more Planer Power.