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Messages in topic: EverQuest patch

Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 10/5/07, 5:11 AM

EverQuest has been patched yesterday and as a usual result, Magelo Update has been taken offline until further notice. Once Jelan has had time to check the changes and patch the program, a new News message will be given to indicate it is available.

Apologies for the downtime in the mean time.
Narrian Sr.
Registered User

Nbr post: 7
Register: 11/30/06
Posted: 10/8/07, 3:33 PM

Ah so is this why when i get to the magelo update screen none of my toons show up to Sync them? just wondering cuz its been happening for the last couple days.

Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 10/8/07, 4:14 PM

Yup, that's correct.
Registered User

Nbr post: 247
Register: 10/13/02
Posted: 10/8/07, 5:09 PM

Any info on when MU will be patched?

It's been down for four days now. I was of the understanding that last week's EQ patch affected only UI and tradeskill recipes. Surely not much to impact the data structures that MU references?


Nbr post: 11501
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 10/8/07, 6:30 PM

Yes you are quite right but we were working on a few things behind the scene and it delayed us a bit. We should be able to patch by tomorrow.
Registered User

Nbr post: 1
Register: 10/6/03
Posted: 10/8/07, 8:55 PM

I let my subscription lapse for a while because it seemed that it was down more that it is up... Now at the pleading from my better half, I have resubscribed and low and behold, down again... /sigh... And as a real kick in the pants, the price has doubled for the lack of service... Oh well...
Registered User

Nbr post: 4
Register: 2/9/03
Posted: 10/9/07, 5:04 AM

Christ, some of you people can never be satisfied. I've used magelo for quite a while, and love it. Infinitely better than eqplayers.

I'm sure most of us understand the downtime.

Keep up the great work guys, I don't plan on canceling my subscription any time soon!

Registered User

Nbr post: 49
Register: 2/14/02
Posted: 10/9/07, 10:14 AM

I can't believe this same whine comes up every time. SoE doesn't work with Jelan, telling him everything they're changing each time they patch. There's going to be some downtime every patch, some longer than others. Get used to it! It's a necessary evil.

Registered User

Nbr post: 38
Register: 3/25/02
Posted: 10/9/07, 1:19 PM

I don't understand the complaining either. Compared to EQPlayers (hosted by SOE) Magelo is infinitely better. My EQPlayers profile has been broken for at least 6 months, you can't manually update EQPlayers, it only works in the auto-update mode or your character appears without any equipped items. EQplayers can only be updated once every 24 hrs. as opposed to Magelo which can be updated as many times as you like. You can't view your own AA's in EQPlayers without having to upgrade to their premium services. EQPlayers hasn't even updated their AA format to reflect the patch which consolidated the AA's months ago.

If you are comparing the two, Magelo wins hands down. If you don't believe me take a look at all of the complaints in this linked forum on the SOE site.


Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 4/11/02
Posted: 10/9/07, 2:45 PM

I don't have a complaint really, except when there are no notices of how the progress in updating magelo is going.

that has not been an issue in ages so i have no complaints. = )

i do understand their frustration however, it makes sense to me. The real problem is sony, they change things for fun it seems sometimes, and really don't plan the next change when they make one resulting in several back to back changes at times.

it amazes me sometimes that we all don't just play on emulated servers, the game was better in the era they use anyway and best of all you don't have to deal with Sony.
Registered User

Nbr post: 143
Register: 1/16/06
Posted: 10/9/07, 2:59 PM

So what are you guys adding to Magelo.
Registered User

Nbr post: 13
Register: 5/4/03
Posted: 10/9/07, 3:34 PM

Our guild does not accept EQPlayers profiles; we require magelo.

The reason is simple: we know that a Magelo profile is accurate as of the date on the profile.

EQPlayers... who the heck knows!

While I writhe in frustration when I can't synch to show off my latest goodie (and that reminds me I need to swap belt augs on my cleric!), I know that ultimately I will have the most accurate picture of where my toons stack up against my competition/colleagues.

If waiting for the Magelo team to get it right is the price of accuracy and detail... I'll wait and not bitch.

/waves at Occam in passing

Wolana Phoenixfyre, druid, Kelethin-Xegony
LeafLady of 110 seasons
Registered User

Nbr post: 38
Register: 3/25/02
Posted: 10/9/07, 4:19 PM

A majority of the time Magelo is patched and running in less time than it takes SOE to get EQPlayers fixed and running. EQPlayers is still behind on updates by about 3 patches or more. Not to mention the fact that the data is always wrong or incomplete and has been that way for several months now.

Despite the fact that the President of SOE (John Smedley) appologized for the condition of the service and promised to get it fixed in a "day or so" (in June), it's still substantially broken. After months of complaints, they did offer to refund a few months of premium services, but since then there has been absolutely no updates or progress.


Hats off to Magelo for operating a character management service that is functional, consistently accurate and user friendly for less cost to the customer. It's just amazing to me how Magelo can operate a character management service better than the host themselves.

Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 10/5/07
Posted: 10/9/07, 4:23 PM

Hey I just upgraded to premium its been down a while and you said probobly up today? around what time? I want to synch my character
Registered User

Nbr post: 1
Register: 11/12/03
Posted: 10/9/07, 10:52 PM

let my subscription lapse for a while because it seemed that it was down more that it is up... Now I have resubscribed and low and behold, down again... /sigh... And as a real kick in the pants, the price has doubled for the lack of service... I cant seem to get on this site whats the problem i keep getting com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.action(unknown source) Can You all please tell me why your site is so hard to getb on?


Rob Freese