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Registered User

Nbr post: 10
Register: 4/23/06
Posted: 10/11/07, 8:42 PM

how come each time MU goes down for a week the piranahs and scavengers show up on this site with complete AMNESIA.... From personal experience and a little research for anyone that has been using MU in the past 2 years you will find that if magelo is down for an extended portion of time jelvan and crew have automatically moved your renewal dates to automattically accomadate for the inconvience. Yes it can be annoying but you also can pin point when MU is going to be down for a short time or long time (anytime SOE announces a patchday) so you have a day 2 days 3 weeks to get your profiles updated on here ... take 5 minutes out of PLing that newb alt or camping the overpriced baz stuff and run updater...... a week is shit I remember when MU was down for almost a month because of SOE stop whining go play check in at the start of day and b4 u log for the day stop whining and play your damn game

Registered User

Nbr post: 18
Register: 8/12/07
Posted: 10/11/07, 8:52 PM

And meanwhile, you can learn to spell, type, punctuate, and stop cursing.
Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 10/5/07
Posted: 10/11/07, 10:06 PM

They updated what they are working on in the general forum, you should check it out the new guild thing they have done is really cool. TOTALLY worth the wait l

Quicklink to update: Magelo General Forum
Registered User

Nbr post: 9
Register: 2/7/04
Posted: 10/12/07, 1:48 AM

It's true, they've always been generous with extending the service when downtime occurs this way. Yes, it's frustrating but it's not like they don't take care of those who use it.

Oh, and when did the cable company start giving anything for free? Credit or reimbursement for downtime or whatever? Those Time-Warner bastards here just laugh and say 'We'll send someone out at the end of the week.'

Registered User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 12/1/04
Posted: 10/12/07, 4:40 AM

Here is a box of Kleenex tissues to all you cry babies out there. Hope you use them well. I eagerly sit here and wait for the Magelo team to finish their work. No need to cry or piss and moan. Lol, cable company give out service for free? Please tell me your company so i can see if they have service in my area. Phone company give you something for free too? Tell me which carrier i'll switch today.

Magelo team has extended services for prolonged downtimes in the past. A week is not long at all in my book. 1 month would be long. Yeah you can manually update it for the time being. If you are eager to get an update. Why wouldn't you do that? 1 maybe you would add something you really never gotten. 2. Your too lazy to go to manage character screen because you are here posting all your tears. (crying us a river). 3. because your dumb and can't figure out how to manually update your character until the auto updater is fixed.

Just some good reading for ya'll. Let the rants continue. The bathroom fodder just getting bigger for me. I canceled my Playboy subscriptions because the articles in there got boring. These are much better.

Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 10/12/07, 5:43 AM

You read the Playboy for the interviews?

Anyway, no personal attacks and no foul language please, otherwise I'll edit the offending post(s ) and lock this topic.
Registered User

Nbr post: 18
Register: 8/12/07
Posted: 10/12/07, 5:56 AM

Maybe you should learn the difference between "your" and "you're" before you start calling people dumb. And yes, actually, I personally get ANY service outages prorated with my cable. Maybe you should try reading your contract with your own carrier sometime, if the words aren't too big. It's a pretty standard contract, really.

As for "too lazy" to update - of course I'm too lazy to manually update, why the heck else would I be paying for the service? You think I'm here to give out charity maybe?

EDIT - removed 'personal' attack. :rolls eyes: Let's all be nice to the twerps and have a sing along. I just hope for some of you all, English isn't your first language.

("Really never gotten," indeed!)
Registered User

Nbr post: 143
Register: 1/16/06
Posted: 10/12/07, 6:09 AM

Enjoyed reading the responses from both sides of the fence for the most part(pretty much glazed over Xtrain's drivel). I pretty much agree with both sides of the posters, and can understand both side's thinking involved. Going to go read up on what they added now.

Edit: Forgot to mention, I get proration from both Qwest DSL & Comcast TV in my area, Bremerton, WA, when there are problems with service. Too bad your service sucks for you. I absolutely love my service from both companies, and also how they handle any problems I may have.
Registered User

Nbr post: 63
Register: 12/11/01
Posted: 10/12/07, 7:19 AM

I think that a progress update from Jelan or whoever else is working on getting Updater working again is probably all that's needed to keep most of the people (like me!) blowing their tops.
Registered User

Nbr post: 14
Register: 9/24/05
Posted: 10/12/07, 10:34 AM

No matter what side of the fence you are on on this debate, the last time I checked this was not an English class. If the best you can do is blast somebody because they are not concerned with punctuation and spelling you really need a life.
Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 6/9/06
Posted: 10/12/07, 11:34 AM

Today's the 12th and I still have no bragging rites avail... any news?
Registered User

Nbr post: 2
Register: 4/5/03
Posted: 10/12/07, 11:50 AM

Let's cut to the chase.

E-peen. Because my imaginary numbers are better than your imaginary numbers.

That's why we come here.

I wanted to see about moving some augments around to improve my stats. I had to do it manually. And for some reason it won't LET me add a Relic Shopkeeper's Charm to my belt. It lists it as a possible match that fits in the slot. I had it in a prior piece of gear. I have it in my bank space. But it won't display it.

I'll have to wait till the updater works.

Oh noes !!! Horror of horrors !! I had to spend 20 minutes updating my profile by hand rather than 2 minutes loading the updater and running it.

OMGWTHBBQORLY ?? I have a 55 point aug that isn't displaying so my E-peen appears smaller ... gimme some moneys back.

If you find a competitive site that does better for less, let me know.

If you personally can do better, run magelo out of businees.

If you have something of substance to contribute, please do so.

Otherwise, deal with the fact that this is one step up from open source code.

Nbr post: 11401
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 10/12/07, 1:09 PM

Registered User

Nbr post: 18
Register: 8/12/07
Posted: 10/12/07, 4:50 PM

Actually, I use it to sift through two accounts worth of tradeskill drops. I could care less about ranking and stats. BUt thank you for making assumptions that everyone else is a shallow as you.

"If you have something of substance to contribute, please do so." - try taking your own advice.
Registered User

Nbr post: 10
Register: 4/23/06
Posted: 10/12/07, 5:47 PM

Actually, I use it to sift through two accounts worth of tradeskill drops. I could care less about ranking and stats. BUt thank you for making assumptions that everyone else is a shallow as you.

"If you have something of substance to contribute, please do so." - try taking your own advice.

No actually its just obvious we hate people like yourself that are pissy whiny little punks! FYI Punctuation is OVERRATED