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Messages in topic: Cannot Buy Additional Game Slots
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Nbr post: 1
Register: 7/6/09
Posted: 1/29/17, 10:36 AM

Have tried multiple times to purchase additional game slots. I Choose my payment option on the right- Either CC or Paypal. Then when I hit the next button, nothing ever happens. I have tried it on both Firefox and Chrome. It just doesn't load the next page where you would put the payment info in.


Nbr post: 11455
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 1/30/17, 11:43 PM

Hi Qnyin,

Thanks for reporting this, it seems to be broken for Credit Card payment, we will fix this asap !

Nbr post: 11455
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 2/8/17, 5:16 AM

This is now fixed, thanks again for your patience and your report.