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> > > Guild tools are back ! Magelo Update patched and more

Messages in topic: Guild tools are back ! Magelo Update patched and more

Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/11/07, 3:39 PM

Guild tools:

We are pleased to announce the availability of our guild tools ! The tools are divided in 3 parts:
  • The 'My guild' section which helps you manage your guild and it now supports multiple guilds per account. In this section you can access guild reports, browse your guild bank and your roster as well as managing the guild itself. Moreover you can create a guild recruitment announce which will appear on your public guild profile.
  • The "Guilds" section which allows you to quickly search a guild and you can also view and search all the guilds which are currently recruiting. It has never been so easy to find a guild.
  • The "My characters" section now features a Looking For a Guild tab, when you manage your character, where you can now create an announce showed on your profile and guilds will be able to search it.

Magelo Update / Everquest:

The Everquest game module for Magelo Update has been patched (v1.0.12) to work with the latest Everquest patch.


  • Updated flags and keys
  • When you manually manage your items and you happen to search for a lore item that you already own, a proper message will appear to explain what is going on.
Registered User

Nbr post: 46
Register: 7/22/02
Posted: 11/11/07, 8:42 PM

I am confused about how to get my Guid Bank to show up in the guild tools. I am Guild Leader of Norrathian Collective. When I go to guild Bank Detail it is empty.


Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/11/07, 9:15 PM

Hi Vhalois, the guild bank shows items which are owned by guild mules.
Registered User

Nbr post: 9
Register: 12/24/02
Posted: 11/12/07, 12:29 AM

It looks like there may be a bug with the Recruitment section of the new Guild tools. Our Guild as well as the 2 others that are recruiting show errors when you click on there guild link. The other two guilds are Amichi and Wolves Unleashed, Here are links to each guild:

Amichi http://eq.magelo.com/guild/201
Eye of Ra http://eq.magelo.com/guild/390
Wolves Unleashed http://eq.magelo.com/guild/3398

This Problem started after I entered a guild recruitment announce. Before enabling Guild Recruiting, we could view the public guild profile.

Another piece of information is that the guild Defiant is recruiting but with my more stringent requirements but you can access there information.

Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/12/07, 5:40 AM

Bug fixed.