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> > > 3 days after Magelo update, and still unable to sync.

Messages in topic: 3 days after Magelo update, and still unable to sync.
Registered User

Nbr post: 14
Register: 2/3/03
Posted: 11/23/17, 7:20 PM

I get the following message "eqgame.exe has been patched, Magelo Sync will be updated soon to support this version" I even deleted Magelo Sync and reinstalled.

Nbr post: 11451
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 11/24/17, 7:44 AM

Hi Elyssanda,

EQ patched both on the 15 and on the 21 and we were a bit late in both cases... I just patched Magelo Sync so you should be good to go now.

Happy Thanksgiving !