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Messages in topic: "Reign" of Fear
Registered User

Nbr post: 36
Register: 10/23/01
Posted: 6/17/20, 1:37 PM

On the zone list the "Rain of Fear" expansion is spelled "Reign of Fear". The in game achievements, and the Achievements page on this site, all spell it correctly as Rain.


Nbr post: 11494
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 6/17/20, 8:27 PM

Hi Eleena,

This is rather strange because the name is coming from the game directly so a typo must exit on their side.
Registered User

Nbr post: 36
Register: 10/23/01
Posted: 6/17/20, 8:42 PM

That is really weird. In game on achievements, faction, zone guide, etc it is all Rain. I can't find anywhere in game spelled Reign. The only place on Magelo I see it is https://eq.magelo.com/zones.jspa

If you can find where the zones page pulls expansion name data from, I can let the EQ devs know where the error is.


Nbr post: 11494
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 6/17/20, 8:52 PM

Haaaa, we are talking about the expansion name itself, not a zone name...
See what happens when I reply before my morning coffee
So this is definitely on our side, i will fix this shortly, thanks a lot for the feedback.
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