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Messages in topic: Extra game slots not granted
Premium User

Nbr post: 89
Register: 7/15/02
Posted: 8/1/20, 9:23 PM

I just paid MAGELO for 7 extra game slots and after just one extra I ve used its telling me my slots are full? what kind of nonsense is that...I paid for 7 not one

Nbr post: 11385
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 8/4/20, 10:00 PM

Hi Kiillz,

Ya something is off and I am looking into it. I keep you posted asap.

Nbr post: 11385
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 8/11/20, 10:49 PM

Interesting timing, you being on granted time with a sub about to expire that triggered an interesting bug with how we calculate prorata temporis expiration for the extra game slots. I have refunded the order.
Premium User

Nbr post: 89
Register: 7/15/02
Posted: 8/13/20, 6:40 AM

thank you