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Messages in topic: Sync Error when trying to sync.
Registered User

Nbr post: 15
Register: 6/23/04
Posted: 1/31/21, 10:48 PM

I'm getting this error when trying to sync.

[2021-01-31 21:43:37] Syncing character (Full) 'Karhar'
[2021-01-31 21:43:37] Sending game content to server...
[2021-01-31 21:43:37] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 3.7.3) : 1811
[2021-01-31 21:43:37] New detected game objects : 1811
[2021-01-31 21:43:38] Impossible de synchroniser le contenu, synchronisation des personnages interrompue

Premium User

Nbr post: 21
Register: 8/5/18
Posted: 1/31/21, 10:53 PM

Same getting synch error when trying to synch.

'An error occured when synchronizing the characters: null

ETA: Just ran Magelo again after having issues yesterday, it downloaded a patch or something and it is working now.

Nbr post: 11440
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 2/2/21, 5:16 AM

Fixed the issue, thanks for the report and your patience.