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Messages in topic: Game slots reset
Registered User

Nbr post: 3
Register: 5/26/11
Posted: 4/24/21, 1:19 PM

been trying to figure out how to release a game slot to add my rogs account. i've seem mention of a button in the account settings...

Are you able to reset them here?
> Free your game slots

This link button does not seem to exist i remove the old toon and that made no difference it still states 0/3 slots available.

Nbr post: 11467
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 5/2/21, 9:42 PM

Hi fizzen,

It seems you have reset your game accounts already hence the link / option to do it not appearing anymore. That being said, I have reset them once more for you.

Have a good day !