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Messages in topic: No Profiles for Aradune Server
Premium User

Nbr post: 24
Register: 10/13/02
Posted: 1/27/22, 8:02 AM

Woke up this morning to check Rank, and the whole database for Aradune server seems to be wiped out

Premium User

Nbr post: 1
Register: 4/10/21
Posted: 1/27/22, 8:38 AM

Having the same issue. Worked fine a few days back.

Upon checking today the ranking system is not working. A casual check shows it doesnt appear to work for a number of other servers either.

Nbr post: 11440
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 1/27/22, 9:22 AM

The ranking was corrupted, had to wipe it and we are currently re indexing all the characters.