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Messages in topic: "An error has occurred during synchronization."
Registered User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 4/8/02
Posted: 4/28/22, 12:54 PM

I was previously able to sync my main after the latest client update, but trying to sync my secondary I am getting errors. The last sync for the character was from 2009, under a different name. I deleted that old character profile from the site manually, but still get the error. Here is the log:

[2022-04-28 09:47:32] Syncing character (Full) 'Vasudeva'
[2022-04-28 09:47:32] Available game slots: 2
[2022-04-28 09:47:32] Sending game content to server...
[2022-04-28 09:47:32] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 4.0.6) : 363
[2022-04-28 09:47:32] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 4.0.6) : 276
[2022-04-28 09:47:32] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 4.0.6) : 732
[2022-04-28 09:47:32] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 4.0.6) : 361
[2022-04-28 09:47:32] Detected game objects by GameMonitor (EverQuest 4.0.6) : 739
[2022-04-28 09:47:32] New detected game objects : 1100
[2022-04-28 09:47:32] Impossible de synchroniser le contenu, synchronisation des personnages interrompue

Nbr post: 11467
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 4/29/22, 4:50 AM


Can you please restart Magelo Sync and try again ? I believe you happened to try while I updated it.
Registered User

Nbr post: 6
Register: 4/8/02
Posted: 5/1/22, 11:33 PM

Seems to be fine now, thanks.

Nbr post: 11467
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 5/2/22, 8:35 PM

Great to hear !