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Messages in topic: Happy new year!

Nbr post: 5271
Register: 11/14/01
Posted: 1/1/08, 6:05 AM

On behalf of the Magelo team, I wish everyone a happy new year and the best wishes for 2008!
Registered User

Nbr post: 13
Register: 8/24/04
Posted: 1/3/08, 4:51 PM

Same to you keep up the great work
Registered User

Nbr post: 13
Register: 8/24/04
Posted: 1/3/08, 4:53 PM

i have a question i am not complaining or gripeing i am jsut wondering if you have an estimate ( i dont expect it to be exact as i dont know the complexitys of the programing needed) on when / if the character managing tool will list the missing spells/ disciplines for post lvl 75 ?

thank you in advance for any responce to this