Premium User
Nbr post: 2
Register: 5/11/21
Posted: 6/6/24, 4:01 PM
I subbed to a full year of premium Magelo and am logged in correctly.
Worked great for a couple of days and now item search tells me that I need to subscribe to Premium and blocks the function.
Can access account and subscription info. Confirmed Premium.
Item search is blocked and prompts me to subscribe to premium.
Nbr post: 11455
Register: 5/4/01
Posted: 6/6/24, 9:43 PM
This is super weird, i cannot reproduce the issue at all on my side which kinda let me think it is a browser cache issue somehow..
Can you try with another browser or can you clear your cache, log back in and go to the item search again ?
Registered User
Nbr post: 3
Register: 1/27/17
Posted: 6/27/24, 5:29 PM
I'm seeing this also. When I try to buy premium ala "Subscribe Now!" button I see:
Bookmarked Payment method :
Ref :
Expiration date : 06/2025
Under My Account it says:
`Account Status : Registered User`
Registered User
Nbr post: 3
Register: 1/27/17
Posted: 6/27/24, 5:31 PM
To add, I tried clearing all cookies/data for this site and paypal. Also tried multiple browsers (Firefox & Edge)